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Sithean Angels

Home > Sithean Angels

Sithean Angel - Hand made by Val from 100% pure wool.
Sithean, pronounced “Shee ann” and meaning Mound of the Fairies, is a small grassy hill over on the west side of Iona, on the road that leads to the Bay at the Back of the Ocean. It is also known as Cnoc nan Angel or Hill of the Angels.
It was upon this grassy mound, as he knelt in prayer on a late summer’s evening, that St. Columba was joined by the Angels, as the sun set over the Atlantic Ocean and night descended.
Fourteen and a half centuries later the Hill of the Angels forms part of our Sithean Croft, and each year the small park around it becomes a safe haven for the raising of our pet lambs. As they grow up to be big strong sheep I like to think that they continue to be looked over and  protected by the Sithean Angels.
Please remember a Sithean Angel is not a toy.....she is your Angel.

                                                                                                                                                   Val.   x

Sithean Angel

Sithean Angel